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Get to Know Us and Our Philosophy

Ben and Sarah Andrews
Family Resource Coordinators
Sarah grew up in Norristown, Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia (Home of the Super Bowl LII Champions!) and moved to Portland to complete her college degree. Sarah holds a Bachelors's Degree in Child & Family Studies from Portland State University. Following five years as a teacher in a certified family child care home. Sarah sought to open her own Preschool with the support of her Husband Bendrea!
Bendrea was born and raised in Portland OR. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree from Full Sail University in Music Business Science. He has always been a teacher at heart working with youth at a young age leading into his first job at Helensview High School as a Music Instructor.
Wooden Fish Parents First is committed to helping youth and families realize their full potential. Wooden Fish Parents First is a parent coaching program that connects with families, administrators, teachers, and nonprofits to recognize the power and potential of youth. Parents First believes that every child has a gift and that it is our shared responsibility to help every child find that gift. By expanding learning opportunities and teaching parents how to be great parents, it will lead to our students becoming amazing adults.
Health, Movement, Wellbeing
​The curriculum, environment, philosophy, and daily life of Wooden Fish Preschool are grounded in five guiding principles:
Child Centricity:
Family First is a place for children and Families, with an approach rooted in the question of how we can provide children with the tools they need to continue their journey as lifelong learners?
We are dedicated to collaboration and communication among the people that make up our community and the communities of the children in our care. This includes the staff, the families, the neighborhood, the city, and the cultures in which our lives are rooted. The teachers, children, and parents form a community of educators and learners collaborating to create purposeful play.
we believe that diversity of people, families, culture, opinions, and beliefs provide the rich base from which children’s understanding grows. Parents First believes that children with different levels of ability can learn together, and parents from all backgrounds can teach each other.
we create an environment that inspires imagination and causes parents and children to see the effects of their actions. We join children on adventures of exploration. Children are allowed to construct their own knowledge through experimentation. Teachers and coordinators curate an environment where children can learn all of the things they wish to know, and parents learn how to become better leaders.
We believe that every person must be aware of, engage with and respond to the people around them, the world they live in and their own physical, mental and emotional needs. As educators, we are charged with awakening and encouraging this awareness, engagement, and responsiveness in children and families.

Our purposeful play curriculum is the centerpiece of each classroom:
Teachers & Coordinators create rich learning environments full of art, objects, activities and tools designed to ignite the imagination of children and parents.
Teachers & Coordinators observe children’s interests, their talents and their challenges and design the curriculum each year to meet the needs of the children.
Teachers & Coordinators join children on adventures of exploration.
Children And Parents are allowed to construct their own knowledge through experimentation.
Parents form a classroom community and hone their social emotional skills in relationship with children through creating classroom rules, negotiating through conflict, persisting through challenging tasks, and learning to work as a team.
Teachers & Coordinators build literacy rich classrooms with reading and writing opportunities that are embedded in children’s play and teach parents how to challenge their child's gifts.

Contact Info
Wooden Fish Parents First
18055 SE Division St
Suite 205B
Portland OR 97236
Tel: 503-890-6681
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